28 May 2009

Leaving France

Yeah yeah, I know... I'm slacking off.
But first, a HUGE thanks to everyone who's been keeping up with this blog and/or leaving me comments. I love you guys!

Lets see here... Zurich was pretty... nice looking? We pretty much pulled in to the city late at night and took a stroll down the river/lake the next morning before the train pulled out. The lake was gorgeous, and clean looking (American lakes could take notes on this and follow). Besides the abundance of EuroPride Zürich 09 flags, theres nothing to report here.
Lucerne had the same pretty lake theme going on. And it was a HOT HOT HOT day, so everyone was out tannning/swimming. Ewww old men in Speedos. BLECH!!! We walked around in the old town, looking at shops and old buildings. They have some war monument that is a lion, and that was pretty cool. I watched a very twitchy baby bird harass its mother for food. Besides that, it was a quiet town.
I wasn't so impressed with Bern. Although we had a nice hike by the lake, we arrived at the bear pits to find that all the bears had died of old age and they were building a new bear area. The new bears were still housed in the zoo. So no bears for us. We took a walk up the old town streets and found Einstein's apartment (but I didn't want to pay 9 swiss franks to go inside).
After that, it was on to FRANCE!!! haha. Nothing too exciting happened the first night there, but yesterday we took the TGV (which is a really fast train which tops out at 250 km/hr or something like that) to Paris. It was a cloudy, gloomy day, and it was threatening to rain the entire time. Because it was pouring cats, dogs, and... sheep... we didn't go up into the Eiffel Tower. We stopped for lunch in an English-style pub (i wanted fish and chips). Then we visited the Arc de Triomphe. It was pretty awesome looking. We weren't too impressed with the Louvre. It was rather stuffy inside. But thats ok. It was still kind of nifty before I got tired. We took another TGV back to Strasbourg where we have been staying.
But now we're leaving for Luxembourg and Hamburg. Yippee!!
Nearing the end of our trip here. :(


kmb12 said...

umm yeah. old men in speedos. bad mental images. be nice to the frenchies.... :P

Gemma & Jordan said...

Awww, I love the Louvre! You were in my old stomping grounds...