30 May 2009

into the Last Week

First off... I'm sad that no one has commented on the last post yet. :( Let me hide my tears.

Ok. I know I already talked about Paris, but let me reiterate the awesomeness of our trip to France.
Blah blah, pulled into Strasbourg, took the TGV the next day to Paris, came back, got a reasonably solid nights sleep. The next morning we took a train to Luxembourg and spent the day there. but the day isn't done yet!!! then we hopped on a City Night Line train towards Hamburg. Hamburg is a LONG train ride from Luxembourg. We spent a couple HOURS in Hamburg looking at miniature model trains. Miniature Wunderland or something like that. Then we hopped on a train and headed south to Bacharach. Awesome German town.
The next day was a castle trip to Berg Eltz. Very awesome castle. Very awesome English-speaking tour. Always a good thing.
Tomorrow holds some Rhine River cruising and another castle.


Marjorie said...

So I just caught up on the past four or so blogs, and I was suprised at how much there was to read about! Reading about all of the towns and castles you are visiting really makes me want to see some photos, and I'm sure you have plenty. I'm sad the weather didn't cooperate, but it seems like the change of plans turned out to be good either way. France sounds awesome! I hope the rest of the trip is grand, which I have no doubt that it will be. I'll be back soon to catch up on your blogging.

Oh, and I liked the "raining cats, dogs, and sheep." That made me laugh. =]


kmb12 said...

i'm jealous you get to ride down the Rhine... i was looking at a map the other day and i saw the Rhine River and i was like... oh... that's where KELLY is!
have fun. be safe.

Kelly C. said...

Marjorie- when I get home (tomorrow), I'll be doing mass uploads. The European internet is too slow... (ok well my computer is too slow).

Kristina- I was on the Mosel River too...i got to add a lot of countries to my visited list.